Dec 28, 2010

life in UKM::after one and half year::

 this is my fourth sem....
here, UKM :National university of Malaysia:

sometimes, i ask myself why study in university?

Honestly, I don’t really hope that I have a chance to further my study in university. But, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to get a high education. I do have the feeling to be like others that success in they education. So, thats why i do my best in STPM so that i got chance to continue my study. I was sitting for my STPM in 2008, and then i was offered to further my study in UKM. Many people will ask why study in university, but my simple answer is, i was offered and the program that i have taken is not my first choice. So, i don’t really think about why i was here.

Day to day i try to adapt with my new life as a university’s student. Now,i know why i was here in university. Here, in UKM i know and face by my own how the lifestyle as a student. Before, my teachers always talk to us about how is it the environment, lifestyle and everything about the university. Now is my turn to be like them, feel by my own and try to survive without family, no mum here, father my siblings and everything. Here , as a student I have to take care for ourself by my own.
Now, i'm happy with my life i got friends, lots of friend and for sure from all around the Malaysia.

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