my favourite writer is Ramlee Awang Mursyid, first Malaysian thriller novelist .I have read more than ten of his novels. Every single of his novel that he wrote, need us to think the connection between each character. One of the novel that really challenge me is 'Rahsia Perindu'.
the story will make the reader confuse, its like a framing story. story in another story. The characters are interchangeable, they can be other person in another chapter. The reality and fantasy world mutually meet and separated. The writer know how to colouring the character and the environment, sometimes i thought it was a reality but i was wrong, its just a fantasy that showed by the character. The main character Maria and Amylia that have two world were the strength of the story. The writer manage to coloring the 'world' in Rahsia Perindu.
synopsis of the novel:
Amylia agree defend a criminal that high possibility are going to face mandatory death sentence because murder. After scrutinizing her client's mental, Amylia discover something that unreasonable happen. She invoke for court order to seek psychiatry doctor's services to perform psychoanalysis.
Dr. Azlan find out Amylia's client; Leopard experience mental disorder. At the same time, the effort defend Leopard get resistance. Amylia that hunted by fear experience emotion change. However, she did not easy to surrender although the life always being hunted death by killer that always peep her movement.
these are the others ramlee's novel in my collection.